Subramhanya bhujangam – 30

We are now in the last few shlokas of Subramhanya bhujangam. This shloka can be thought of as the last shloka in the sense of prayer or prarthanA as the next shlokas are more like the concluding ones. In this shloka, Adi Shankara requests Subramhanya to forgive the mistakes that he(we) commit(s). “When their childContinue reading “Subramhanya bhujangam – 30”

Kaurava – Govinda is hope!!

This post is on a book that I read recently, Kaurava-Book 2 of Aryavarta chronicles by Krishna Udayasankar. Not a book review and all, just my thoughts, how I felt and that kind of experiences. Also, I am including a bit about what I like or not about such mythological retellings. The book is oneContinue reading “Kaurava – Govinda is hope!!”